Original Post — Direct link
  1. Hacienda Jornalero Quarters are NOT affected by the "Cordillera Park" set
  2. Hacienda Jornalero Quarters are erronously affected by "All Investor and Obrero Residences" items (see in screenshot, BOTH Hacienda Jornalero and Obrero Quarters are affected -- Jornaleros should NOT be)

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@hundread1800 Hey there, thanks for pointing this out! I've forwarded this information to the team to help with their investigation. It does appear this is part of a larger issue, and I've included that information as well.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for kindly taking the time out to share an update.

As soon as we have any news we will be happy to share this.

Many thanks