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i can start the game and play it for a little while. but after 5-30 minutes it just crashes with no error codes or anyting.
i have tried reinstalling the game, and i have tried veryfying game files. i have also checked my directx and updated windows and graphics driver.

i have a rtx3070 dont know if that has anything to do with it

please help
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by hobIin
i can start the game and play it for a little while. but after 5-30 minutes it just crashes with no error codes or anyting.
i have tried reinstalling the game, and i have tried veryfying game files. i have also checked my directx and updated windows and graphics driver.

i have a rtx3070 dont know if that has anything to do with it

please help
Originally Posted by IIIIDANNYIIII
This started happening to me a few days ago. Otherwise I'm 120 hours in with no previous crashes. Could it be caused by the latest update?

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing crashing issues. Can we ask you to confirm your system specs please?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello everyone, thank you all very much for your help

Originally Posted by IIIIDANNYIIII
System specs are 5900x and 2080 Super with 32 GB RAM on Win 10.
It turned out to be what Chris mentioned. Rolling-back drivers helped. In the meantime, new drivers got released and the issue does not happen when using them, so everything seems to be in order now.
That's great news, I appreciate you making us aware.

It's very important we hear back from players and learn what resolved it for them.

Enjoy your day!