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In my COOP-Game I play with my wife we sometimes encounter diving spots at which we can't dive. This happens since 9.0.
Those are always the random diving spots, not those you get from treasure maps.
In my recent singleplayer game I've started, I am also encountering this problem, now one time I actually encountered it during the quest from nate where he shows you where you can dive for some pearls to restore the scepter.

The button for diving (the one which takes 10 seconds) is simply greyed out and can't be clicked.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by pewp3wonline
In my COOP-Game I play with my wife we sometimes encounter diving spots at which we can't dive. This happens since 9.0.
Those are always the random diving spots, not those you get from treasure maps.
In my recent singleplayer game I've started, I am also encountering this problem, now one time I actually encountered it during the quest from nate where he shows you where you can dive for some pearls to restore the scepter.

The button for diving (the one which takes 10 seconds) is simply greyed out and can't be clicked.
Hey there,

Thank you for reporting this to us!

Have either of you tried verifying the game files since this began?

If so, could you please provide an image or ideally clip of this?

Thank you!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Hey there guys,

The team have been investigating this with hopes of it being resolved

Are you still encountering this?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by pewp3wonline
Still happening:


Thank you very much for your videos!

I have reported this issue once again to our Anno team, explaining you are still facing the issue.

We may come back to you shortly with further questions.

All the best!