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Hello, fellow Annoholics!

This might be simply a misunderstanding on my end, but when I read Jörg's bonuses and the Bronze Age exhibition's, although the English wording slightly differs it reminds of similar targets for their bonuses ("all quarries"):

However, when checking the effect on a clay pit, Jörg doesn't apply any effect on it despite the union being almost next to it:

Is this an intended effect or not? Jörg's bonuses are already colossal so I don't mind if it's intended, the wording of affected targets is confusing though ("all mines and quarries" versus "all quarries", yet different targets). The 1800 wiki does corroborate it, but maybe it wasn't intentional?

As always, I'm running Anno 1800 with all DLCs except a few cosmetics, without mods. Here's a link: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f3eCPrH1bYLkxvpUh8ra4uWmqlYwjLob/view?usp=share_link) to my current save if it can help; thanks in advance for checking!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Mevelios

I'm unsure if it's intended or possibly an oversight or bug, so I'll forward it to the dev team so they can check this. Thanks for providing some images already 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link


I'll pass on your suggestions for the rewording of it to make it less confusing so the dev team can consider those too.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for the additional feedback guys, this has been noted to the team also.

We haven't heard back yet in regards to this, but when we have more information, we'll let you know!