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without dlc:

with dlc11:
population does NOT increase although everything is fulfilled 100%; here is lifestyle needs:

possibly this is due to mail (which i have not set up yet)?
BUT no such is shown
further, other buildings differ by a MUCH larger margin: e.g., investor residence at 65 (due to various bonuses), max 135 with dlc / 90 without [with / without the availability of mail] -- so the huge skyline tower gets only +33?

on another island, which has access only to 1 of each of the store types, max population is 4033 (in comparison, actual population there is 2800 instead of 4005)

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

Hi all, sorry to see you're running into this issue! I've passed this information over to the team for investigation. Please keep an eye on this forum for further updates.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @hundreAd1800,

We don't know the exact reasoning but this doesn't appear to be intended - when we hear anything more from the team, we'll let you know!