I bid you all greetings once again ANNO Community! I am having an issue regarding the Twitch Drops. I am starting this thread to investigate if others in the community are having it too. This is to make sure that this is not an isolated issue regarding the problem I am having. Before I start explaining, there is also something important to bring to people's attention. Twitch has changed their system for Twitch Drops, so the drops for ANNO 1800 will be slightly different this time. Part of this is mentioned in the ANNO UNION post regarding the Twitch Drops event. Go have a look at it if you haven't looked at that yet https://anno-union.com/twitch-drop-docklands/ Basically when you watch a selected streamer, you can see your progress in a percent value in your Twitch inventory. Indicating to you that the Twitch Drops are active and you know you're in progress to earning it. Once you have earned a drop you can claim it, normally you'd follow the process it instructs you to. This involves linking your Ubisoft Account along with your console that you are on (PC, Xbox, Play Station, etc.). Which I have done all of these steps that it has instructed me to do. However this procedure has only worked for one of the Twitch Drops I have earned (the flag pole). This procedure stopped working when I tried to claim the second Twitch Drop (the lamp post). Below I will provide screenshots taken of the problem occurring and I will give some descriptions for them too. As this is the first time ANNO 1800 is going through Twitch's new system, I suspect some errors are present. The purpose of this thread is to see if other players are having the exact same issue as well. I ask that community members please report to this thread if you're having this same issue as well. If you are having this exact same issue too with the Twitch Drops, please reply to this thread. In addition to your reply, it would be helpful if you could provide screenshots too. So that we can also have a visual of the issue on your end as well to confirm it. I will now begin to display my screenshots along with brief descriptions for each one.
In this first screenshot from me, I have already completed the process to claim the flag pole. It has successfully gone through with the check mark icon displayed now. I am about to start the process to claim the second drop I have earned, the lamp post. As already seen, it's asking me to do the same process of linking my account (which I have already done). This is odd because it's already linked my account and console (PC) to it and it shows on Connect's end. So I don't see why I have to do it again when it has already been successfully done.
Here is proof of that too, that both my console (PC) and drops account are set up as instructed. It's already showing on Ubisoft Connect's end that it's set up and I know on Twitch's end it is too. So it looks like everything is correct and good to go. So it is strange that it is asking me to repeat all of this again when it is already done.
So after I click on "Connect" for the lamp post Twitch Drop for ANNO 1800. It then takes me to Ubisoft Connect, where again it asks me to repeat the same steps from before. Again which all of these steps I have already done as it instructed me to. So then I click on "Get Started" again, this time taking me to where the next screenshot will show...
...Which is this part here on Ubisoft Connect, displaying my drops from past Twitch Drop events. I don't see the flag pole for Docklands here yet nor the lamp post, but at the top. If you look at the top, you see it says to "TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR INVENTORY". Below it, you can clearly see that it says with a check mark "Twitch Drops are activated".
Which then after viewing all of this, I go back to Twitch to look at my inventory. Now a new option displays, allowing me to "retry" to get the drop with the two circle shaped arrows icon. It displays right up next to the blue "Connect" button now, as you can see. I put my mouse over it and then it says to "connect game account", which I have already done. I try to click on "retry" anyways to see what happens and nothing happens, it's stuck. Now I cannot get the lamp post Twitch Drop that I have earned. I waited a couple hours to give the server to refresh just in case that is why this is happening. Still nothing happens and when I leave and come back to the inventory, the two arrow icon is gone. However if I repeat all the steps above again, this icon comes back again and it still doesn't work.
Another very important note to add to all of this, for the flag pole which worked. After I have done the above steps and went back to my Twitch inventory to check. For the flag pole after these steps, there wasn't any blue connect button next to it. There was only the two rounded arrow icon present and when I click it, the drop was fully claimed. Then the check mark icon came up in it's place and it was done. Strangely for the lamp post, this doesn't seem to work and its the only time where it's stuck like this. Where both the connect button and the retry button are present at the same time together like this. Which leads me to think that something has gone wrong here. Either this is a issue with Ubisoft Connect, or this is an issue with Twitch itself. To those who may also ask this question, I watched the stream first. Then after watching the stream to get both of the drops is when I went to go claim them afterwards. Then this is when all this went down and I have had this problem since.
So in closing, I would like to have community members weigh in on this please. In addition, I like people to reply to this thread and inform me if they're having this issue too. Thank you!
Stay safe and healthy ANNO Community!
Best Regards,

In this first screenshot from me, I have already completed the process to claim the flag pole. It has successfully gone through with the check mark icon displayed now. I am about to start the process to claim the second drop I have earned, the lamp post. As already seen, it's asking me to do the same process of linking my account (which I have already done). This is odd because it's already linked my account and console (PC) to it and it shows on Connect's end. So I don't see why I have to do it again when it has already been successfully done.

Here is proof of that too, that both my console (PC) and drops account are set up as instructed. It's already showing on Ubisoft Connect's end that it's set up and I know on Twitch's end it is too. So it looks like everything is correct and good to go. So it is strange that it is asking me to repeat all of this again when it is already done.

So after I click on "Connect" for the lamp post Twitch Drop for ANNO 1800. It then takes me to Ubisoft Connect, where again it asks me to repeat the same steps from before. Again which all of these steps I have already done as it instructed me to. So then I click on "Get Started" again, this time taking me to where the next screenshot will show...

...Which is this part here on Ubisoft Connect, displaying my drops from past Twitch Drop events. I don't see the flag pole for Docklands here yet nor the lamp post, but at the top. If you look at the top, you see it says to "TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR INVENTORY". Below it, you can clearly see that it says with a check mark "Twitch Drops are activated".

Which then after viewing all of this, I go back to Twitch to look at my inventory. Now a new option displays, allowing me to "retry" to get the drop with the two circle shaped arrows icon. It displays right up next to the blue "Connect" button now, as you can see. I put my mouse over it and then it says to "connect game account", which I have already done. I try to click on "retry" anyways to see what happens and nothing happens, it's stuck. Now I cannot get the lamp post Twitch Drop that I have earned. I waited a couple hours to give the server to refresh just in case that is why this is happening. Still nothing happens and when I leave and come back to the inventory, the two arrow icon is gone. However if I repeat all the steps above again, this icon comes back again and it still doesn't work.
Another very important note to add to all of this, for the flag pole which worked. After I have done the above steps and went back to my Twitch inventory to check. For the flag pole after these steps, there wasn't any blue connect button next to it. There was only the two rounded arrow icon present and when I click it, the drop was fully claimed. Then the check mark icon came up in it's place and it was done. Strangely for the lamp post, this doesn't seem to work and its the only time where it's stuck like this. Where both the connect button and the retry button are present at the same time together like this. Which leads me to think that something has gone wrong here. Either this is a issue with Ubisoft Connect, or this is an issue with Twitch itself. To those who may also ask this question, I watched the stream first. Then after watching the stream to get both of the drops is when I went to go claim them afterwards. Then this is when all this went down and I have had this problem since.
So in closing, I would like to have community members weigh in on this please. In addition, I like people to reply to this thread and inform me if they're having this issue too. Thank you!
Stay safe and healthy ANNO Community!
Best Regards,