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when i try to load my game it chash i have try difrent saves but all crash on loading. i dont know what to do.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by surothedeath
when i try to load my game it chash i have try difrent saves but all crash on loading. i dont know what to do.
Hey surothedeath,

First of all I am sorry to hear that your game is crashing on loading. Is this happening just as you try to load a save state or is it at any other point?

I would suggest trying these steps first of all, particularly running the game with administrator rights.

Any trouble just let us know
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Hey surothedeath, there must've been some misunderstanding, there's no currently known issue with crashing save games.

Please try the steps linked by Ubi-WheelyDuck, including verifying the game files.
If you have used or are using mods, please remove them and revert any other changes to the game files you might have done.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Hey FAB181,

Please could you provide a screenshot of the error message you see?

There's no known error with saving that I can find, so we can pass it to the game team if it's something new happening.

Also, do you have cloud saves enabled or disabled in the Uplay settings?