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There are quite a few bugs that haven't been fixed for months or even longer.

These are the two that I had already reported:
Both issue still don't work properly. I would really like to be able to finally construct the Skyline Tower.

For something I haven't reported yet - echolocation doesn't show mines. I shows the location of the item I'm supposed to retrieve for the quest, but doesn't warn me about the mines. They're there, because I've lost a few ships already.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @mcetnar, thanks for getting through to us!

So in regards to the issues you brought up, this is where we're at with it:

  1. Production Carts and Support - it has been confirmed by @Ubi-Peach that this is working as intended, however feedback has been forwarded to the team accordingly
  2. Skyline Tower Construction Smoke issue - I can see that this has been already forwarded and is a known issue, however we're yet to have any further updates on this, however I will see what I can do to speed up the process and hopefully have some further communication.

In regards to echo-locater not showing mines - I've had a closer look however it does not appear that this has been brought up before, therefore is there any chance you could record and share video footage of this? If not, could you clarify which particular quest you're referring to, and for reproduction purposes, are you able to forward over your save file where issue is present?

Let us know and we will take it from there!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@mcetnar Thank you for your reply. That would be great.

Thank you!