Original Post — Direct link
Hi there,

I'm posting here because I stupidly got stuck in a quest.
When we have to deliver our father's diary to Archibald, I took the diary and dragged and dropped it on Archibald's island, thinking of delivering it to him.
But the quest was not validated and I can no longer answer it.

Does anyone have a solution please?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone, thank you for advising one another with this quest issue, I apologize that you may have accidentally sold or lost the quest item itself, but we can definitely pass this feedback on about enabling an 'Are you sure message?' in-game before losing an important item, as a feature request to our devs.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Verse - Direct link

@Eiwinnd Hi there and thank you for the update!

I understand that you would like this resolved, but please keep in mind that we are not from the development team. We can only forward your feedback and problems to the relevant teams, and have done so in this case.

If we have any news, we will share them with you 🙂