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Might be my settings, but around 30% of the quests I encounter in sandbox are bugged and cannot be finished.

- grey square box instead of icon in quest discription. There is no destination for these quests, clicking on them won't focus the camera on any target
- all quest involving NPC's like Eli Bleakworth or Isabel Sarmento that are given by opponents. You still get these quests even if you play with these characters disabled.
- photography quests that want you to photograph something on the other map. Never work.
- escort quests like cruise control or rise of the machines have the escort ship sailing to the edge of the map and disappear, but the quest never ends. possibly because they should sail to some NPC island that doesn't exist becasue the NPC is disabled. The discription of these quests read "escort to:" without anything else
- build museum/zoo module quests both with and without putting some item in them (culture vulture ie.) don't end when you do what's asked 50%+ of the time
- photography /search for bears or wolves quests and other will sometimes show the wrong island when you click on them
- some quests involving the other map won't show the correct island when you click on them.
- maybe not a bug, but deliver quests should not have you deliver goods you haven't produced/unlocked yet
- pretty rare, but I've had village questgivers in the sea (the star icon being in the sea nowhere near one of my settled islands)
- after finishing a smuggling quest sometimes the ships you need to avoid stay on the map forever instead of sailing away
- follow quests sometimes have the target ship not starting to move regardless of your distance to the ship
- sustain quests are too rare, I've gotten 2 in 200 hours

I would also like the orange quest dot on the minimap to be bigger and thus easier to spot. (I play largest world settings on 2056*1600 and the dot is hard to see especially around sir archibald's island)
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello boro_1979,

Thank you for your report and I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this! Would be possible for you to provide us with some short videos so we can pass them on to the development team?
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Originally Posted by gciniciato
Dear Ubi-Mark,

I opened a case in the support with pictures and video showing the same bug a month ago. Please check case number 09060680 for reference.

The person who answered me said on 21st june that the they are working on the case, but it shows closed to me
Sorry to hear that. From what I can see, this issue is now reported back to the development team and as soon as we have any update, we are going to let everyone know! Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by daio_
So will they be fixed any time soon? Only it's close to 2021 now, and it seems like the game I just paid £84 for' seems to have bugs that are 2 years old.
It's hit or miss if any ship quests work, and you can be right at the side of a ship, and the quest items will still not load and say too far away and it's the same with escort missions that won't trigger when you're right at the side of a ship.

Too many bugs' for too much money for a game of this age.
Hello there daoi,

Sorry to hear you're having issues.

Would you please be able to provide some further details into what you're experiencing?

Any particular Quests you've noticed this with?

Thank you
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hey daio_!

No need to apologise facing issues in games can be incredibly frustrating, as you buy them to relax and enjoy yourself. We just want to help in any way we can.

It looks as though everything is now resolved but please let us know if you would like to report anything else!