Original Post — Direct link

I am having a visual issue. The grass and vegitation clips through all of my building and roads. This issue does not happen on my sister's PC nor does it happen on my Laptop. It only happens on my PC with all the same settings as the other devices. I have attepmted to change various setting to come up with a fix with no luck. This has been happening to my game for about a year. Please help, it is extremely frustrating.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @sydohbaby ,

Thank you for getting in touch!

May we please know your PC specs (GPU, CPU, RAM, Laptop / Desktop)?

And can you please confirm if this still occurs after verifying the game's files?

May we please also know if this instance of clipping happens with any paths you place?

Thank you!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for clarifying and for verifying the game files @sydohbaby

Before we can report this, I understand you have used the same settings across all devices you have played the game on, but could you please still screenshot us an image of your graphic settings in-game so we can cover all bases and send this to our Anno team to investigate?