I was rearranging my new world to be similar to my old world where I have 1 production island and 1 population island. My pop island has housing for both pop tiers and my production island has a hacienda at its center for the crop farms and brewery. I set everything up and activate commuter platform only to realize that hacienda on my production island is not affected by the pop coming in from the commuter pier.
To increase my hacienda range, I will have to build houses on my production island. I wish to avoid that as I have housing on a different island. The commuter platform allows me to move pop between islands. The issue is that hacienda range is tied to local population present on the island. It does not recognize the population coming in via the commuter platform. Hence, its range stays unaffected.
I am not sure if this is a bug or its designed this way. I am unable to have a production island in the new world because the hacienda range is too small and the only way to increase it is to build pop on that island. I hope this can be changed as it allows us to setup dedicated production islands in the new world as well.