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The quest has no location anchor, so I cannot double click the quest entree to find the place to dive.

Save/Reload does not repair the anchor.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello Annoholics,

Sorry to hear that. Could you please provide us with a screenshot, so we can take a look?
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Originally Posted by jmc003
I'm having the same issue with the I ME MINE quest.

Here's a screenshot-

And link to it -


As you can see, there's no orange dot to show where to go. I've checked the other lands (Old World & New World) and no quest markers there, either.

Clicking on the quest itself, which would normally jump you to a location, does nothing.

Also, it's requesting I use the "echo-locator" which I'm not familiar with,
I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing issues with this quest, jmc003. As banan1996.1996 explained in their comment, an echolocator from Old Nate is needed for this quest to be able to locate the correct spot to dive and proceed. Have you since been able to acquire one of these, and complete the quest?

Originally Posted by banan1996.1996
It's not a bug. You are supposed to find the spot using echo-locator, known also as radar or sonar. Old Nate can craft them, the basic version costs just steel and quartz sand, no scrap is required.
Thank you for offering your insight and experience into this quest on the thread, banan1996.1996!

Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
If that is a fact, it should not be the first quest rewarded when you enter this region with your ship.

And the quest should have an info popup available on the echo-locator part.
I'm sorry if you feel that the instructions and/or objective of the "I, Me, Mine" quest in question are confusing, SirHarryPierce. I'm more than happy to forward this feedback.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by wooshell
I have the top tier locator and am crossing the map in all directions only to find nothing.
Sure, the locator finds a lot of scrap sites, but none with mines around.
Contrary to a few people on here, the quest instructions are rather clear and unmistakeable:
Go to the specified location and dive there, using the echo locator to avoid the mines
It does not say that you need to use the locator to find the spot, the spot is (supposed to be) specified.

This quest is therefore broken in its current state, as the specified spot is not specified, and the locator doesn't help.
You can't echolocate the whole map in 30 minutes.
Hello! I appreciate the map is very large and it can take a very long time with the echolocator; it's possible this is not the intended behaviour after all.

I will report this to our Anno 1800 team to see if they can offer us some insight. It's possible the wording of the quest is misleading, or there should be a destination to guide you.

All the best!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello again!

The Anno team got back to me, and they confirmed this quest is working by design. Everything needs to be navigated with the use of the echo-locator

Thank you!