Original Post — Direct link

Dear Ubisoft team,

This is something that is bothering me for a while already in Expert mode and I posted about earlier (I think in old forums), but was never picked up.

Can you please make some time to fix this? 

When you settle a quest island, like La Isla, Crown Falls or Taborime, there is NO peace timer.

When you are in expert mode and enter the arena in WAR. The AI will have the opportunity to instantly attack your new island.

As a player you will barely have time to send in a support fleet, because that fleet cannot be joined with the Expedition and has travel time.

When you then do loose the island, you also loose the quests related. With loosing La Isla (and later Priority), you instantly loose the campaign (without any explanation on the DEFEAT screen). 

Here an example of me entering Cape Trelawney and settling with Cannons immediately, which is not even possible when entering the New World or Enbesa, since you have to tier up first.

Very frustrating experience.

The video; 


Second attempt;


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @SirHarryPierce

Thanks for the videos and providing your feedback on this and I apologise if it wasn't spotted on the old forums. I can't promise any changes myself but I'll forward it to the dev team for them to consider if they think a change should be made to this.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @SirHarryPierce and thanks for confirming you've managed to get past this annoying issue! Glad to hear you've managed to complete it! My colleague has already forwarded feedback about this, but let us know if you have any other questions or need more info!

Thanks for helping our, @Humility925 !