Original Post — Direct link
I am so dissapointed since the developers are focusing on releasing cosmetics and to fix the multiplayer game doesnt seem important starting all over again and again and having the same issues at some point aka the LR40 desync error when the file size of the saved game is large is just pointless to play this game, i wish you could actually fix the game instead of asking for more money on dlc and cosmetics just wasted money on your game buying dlcs on a game that has multiplayer option but that doesnt seem to work.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link

It is still a known issue being looked into but we've heard from players that a difference in settings can cause this issue. Please set your graphic settings to low on both sides for testing reasons to see if that causes the LR40-message.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Giggle007
we did set it on low it still caused that lr40 error i guess that game is lost forever we plan to start a new one with low settings on we will keep you updated if we will encounter the same desync error again thank you for your reply
Thank you for the update, please let us know how you get on as any update may help our investigation