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I am currently using 2 1080p and 1 1440p monitor, one of the smaller ones is my main monitor so ofc Anno starts there. The one I'm actually using for games is the big one and yeah I can run it in windowed mode and move it over, but I'd prefer to have it borderless on the main screen. Is there any way to force Anno to start on that monitor? Couldn't find anything in here.
Oh probably the main issue is that I can't set it to the correct resolution and it won't fit to the screen.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Kajsa

Unfortunately, by default Anno 1800 will always open on the monitor you have designated as your "main" monitor.

If you are running the game in Borderless Window, you may be able to shift it onto another monitor by holding the Windows key on your keyboard, then pressing the left or right arrow key, depending on which direction you want to movie it in.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Anno is definitely *easier* the more display space you have to work with @Kajsa.

And oooh! I hadn't thought to play with my ini file and I'd actually been running into pretty much the same thing. Thanks for sharing that with everyone and I hope your next 900 hours are a breeze. 💨 😊