Original Post — Direct link
Since the LoL the game is regular crashing while playing on geforce now. There are multiple errors: runtime error, RAM allocation and so on. Before Land of Lions game ran really smoothly on the max settings. Moreover, since the introducing of ubisoft connect you can't change settings anymore. They're being reset every time I launch a game. Same with save games. Local Save games disappeared and there are only those in the cloud left. All local save games made before transition to Ubisoft connect are still there.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello currlyfriies, sorry to hear this about your save files.

Is there any way Geforce Now could be saving your game elsewhere?

Here is where you can usually find your saves - Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S (Example)

Can you try turning off cloud save synchronizing in the Ubisoft Connect menu, then trying to manually save in the game and locate your new save in the location gave above? Please get back to me and let me know once you have tried this.

I would also advise reaching out to Geforce Now about this directly here as well, as the cloud save synch issue seems to occasionally come up - https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/support/
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by JeffinDias14
I'm playing on Geforce now assassin's creed unity, everything was fine, but now the game is leaving before geforce now time is up.
Hello JeffinDias14,

Please take care when posting to the Fourms to ensure you're posting to the threads / forums relevant to your query, as this is for Anno 1800, not Assassin's Creed Unity.

Please refer to Milky's suggestions above regarding this, thank you