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Whenever you take a screenshot using the Snipping Tool the game will minimize when completing the screenshot.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Nicholas_Steel
Whenever you take a screenshot using the Snipping Tool the game will minimize when completing the screenshot.
Hey there Nicholas_Steel,

As Brumiros has already noted, this is not a bug rather an effect of the snipping tool.

Instead I would advise using the Screenshot facility within Ubisoft Connect.

You can check your Ubisoft Connect Settings under Other to check the keybinds and save folder.

Thank you!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link

It's difficult to say whether this is something our devs can change, it may just be a conflict between the 2 applications. I can certainly raise it with them however and they can let us know.

I will test this myself and report my findings.

In the meantime, I recommend trying the following -

- Try both "Snipping Tool" & "Snip & Sketch" applications that Windows 10 offers. You can search for them from your Windows menu
- Instead of snipping immediately, try "Snip in 3 seconds" or 10 seconds, bring the game back to fullscreen then you should be able to take a snip

As suggested above however, we recommend using Ubisoft Connect's screenshot feature.

Thank you!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello again

I tested this myself in Fullscreen Borderless using both Snipping Tool & Skip & Sketch. For me however, the game did not minimise at all.

It's difficult for me to say why this happens for you. Perhaps there are other applications running that are causing some kind of conflict.

I hope the workaround above help you!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
Hey all, With ShareX I take cuts of my Anno Screen very easily.

Hello! A great suggestion, thank you