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One of the early choice 'consequences' is supposed to be Zealots actively hunting you down, or at least trying to make your life...Not...Good. Pop ups suggest it, dialogue states it...But in truth? They don't even react to you. At all. The *only* thing that seems to get them annoyed is if a monastery is on their route and you happen to be raiding the place. Otherwise you can just walk next to them, even point a bow at their face, and they will not aggro. I was really excited for this system, which seemed prepped like how mercenaries would hunt you down in Odyssey, but in fact...They do not.

In this video I've let the 'timer' run out on the quest to 'retrieve' the letter, failing it. And so they should now be hunting me. But as you will see...They...Do not. Which when this is one of the rare choices throughout the game where it would actually have consequences, is quite annoying.


about 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hey @jakl201 - thank you for reporting this issue to us with regard to Zealots not hunting you down as expected. I can see from your video that you neglected to burn the scroll, so they should hunt you, but the Zealot you approached did not respond to this change.

Can you provide another clip showing another Zealot being similarly unresponsive in a different play session? You've also advised that they may be more reactive if raiding a monastery; is this reproducible each time if they are nearby, or is this a behaviour you noticed in a singular instance?

Thank you in advance for your help! πŸ™‚

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hey @jakl201 - thank you for reporting this issue to us with regard to Zealots not hunting you down as expected. I can see from your video that you neglected to burn the scroll, so they should hunt you, but the Zealot you approached did not respond to this change.

Can you provide another clip showing another Zealot being similarly unresponsive in a different play session? You've also advised that they may be more reactive if raiding a monastery; is this reproducible each time if they are nearby, or is this a behaviour you noticed in a singular instance?

Thank you in advance for your help! πŸ™‚

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hey @jakl201 - thank you for reporting this issue to us with regard to Zealots not hunting you down as expected. I can see from your video that you neglected to burn the scroll, so they should hunt you, but the Zealot you approached did not respond to this change.

Can you provide another clip showing another Zealot being similarly unresponsive in a different play session? You've also advised that they may be more reactive if raiding a monastery; is this reproducible each time if they are nearby, or is this a behaviour you noticed in a singular instance?

Thank you in advance for your help! πŸ™‚

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing another video with us, @jakl201, and for including some more information about your experiences with zealot encounters. They're definitely not doing their best to hunt you down here at all.

I've shared your report with the development team so they can take a closer look at this. If we require any additional information from you, we'll reach out within this thread. In the meantime, please keep an eye out for any future updates within the News & Announcements forum.

Thanks! 😊