Original Post — Direct link

Hi folks,

This is a question for those that use mods and may have had the same issues. I'm fully aware mods usually break after an update, I've done this many times. But this time nothing seems to work.
So since the latest update I've been having a few problems with a large save game.

As you can see on the screen shot, All of my warehouses have vanished, I'm now 5,402 influence down, my income is completely gone (was over 1mil), and more noticeably, the extra mod menu / all attentional items has gone.

I've tried rebuilding my entire mod folder, one mod at a time. I've gone over all of the mods trying to figure out which mod has the warehouses included, I think it's 'harbour_Ornaments', which I've tried replacing, now I don't seem to have them at all.

I'd just like to find the mod which is for the custom warehouses, replace / fix it, get my influence back in positive numbers and my income.

EDIT: Oh and all my tree's seem to have gone.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @mrdragonfyr ,

Unfortunately as these mods aren't associated with us, we'd be unable to offer any advice in this instance, but you're in the right place, hopefully someone in the community can share more!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thanks for the update mrdragonfyr I am happy to hear you were able to get your game working correctly again, despite having issues with mods you have installed. I apologize we were unable to advise further, but Im glad to see you are able to play on. That is a beautiful shot of your settlement by the way, much more organized then anything I have ever built!