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Docklands. First quest. Trade 1000. Never happens. I have 1 on Crown Falls with 2 different items trading and another in the Old World with one. It literally only has ever gone up by 72 since the beginning but the Captain has been to both many times. If I am doing something wrong, what could it be? Tutorial and content is pretty straightforward.
Any ideas?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by gweber3075
Sadly, no. I was hoping there was a simple, logical explanation involving player error as that is easy to fix. The stock is not full and there are no warning signs. Everything looks OK but then he comes and apparently no goods get traded as it never goes above 77 (now it is at 77, happened last night after I posted).
Hey there.

So we can determine whether this is a bug or working as intended if possible could you provide us with a video demonstrating this please?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by gweber3075
I think it was a combo. I quit out of the game last night and it was as above but tonight it is working right. I think I had goods at too low levels. Thanks though!
Hey gweber3075,

Thank you for the update!

Glad to hear it's working as it should be

If there's anything else we can help with at all, please let us know!