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It seem that i have issue with resupply some good in monumental dockland (especially i noticed that with wood and grain).
When storage get supply to full it seems that in harbour icon exclamation icon don`t refresh and even if over time Tobias coming back to resupply he wont top up any wood or grain as he thinks storage is still full. To get back in trade with Tobias i need to take wood, grain off and put it back to refresh icon so exclamation mark will disappear. I`m not sure about other products yet. But problem appear to be after 14.1 update. I`m 100% sure before that trade with Tobias was fine for me.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @mati8211!

I'm so very sorry for the delay in my response and that you're running into some issues with Tobias resupplying some of your goods.

Since then, if you're still experiencing this, have you noticed it occurs with more than just the wood and grain?

I'd also like for you to try verifying your files if you haven't already and update me with the results. Thank you!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Mati8211 thank you for giving us this extra information.

If verifying your game files has not worked as advised and this only happens just after you have loaded a game, are you able to provide us with your save file so we can check your game also?

Please check our 'bug reporting' pinned post for more info on how you can do this >>