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"Reworked the handling of the animated mouse cursor which might fix some performance issues."

How about instead of "reworking" you can just add an option inside the settings to disable the animated cursor in all cases (just a simple cursor), or just get rid of the animated cursor altogether?
I'm getting worst FPS than just applying the initial mod: Mouseover FPS fix

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @WJZDAACESJSLYVM thank you for getting in touch with us and letting us know you believe the animated cursor is negatively affecting your FPS. Thank you for making us aware of this mod, I will keep my eyes peeled for further reports from players who believe the animated cursor is negatively affecting their game.

Does your FPS stutter in-game or do you notice your FPS counter dropping in the top left corner if you have this enabled?

Before the GU14 update, did you still have this issue with FPS and would you say the issue stays the same or has it become worse after the update?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for getting back to us with this @wjzdaacesjslyvm !

We appreciate your feedback and I've passed this onto the team as something for them to consider.

If we hear anything more we'll let you know!