Original Post — Direct link
Hello everyone,
I can't seem to pick up the Crates, as they've spawned right in that Gold Deposit. I can click on them, and they appear to be selected, but nothing happens. Any suggestions?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by thagozu
Hello everyone,
I can't seem to pick up the Crates, as they've spawned right in that Gold Deposit. I can click on them, and they appear to be selected, but nothing happens. Any suggestions?
Hey there.

I'm sorry to hear that. Would you be able to send us a link to a short video demonstrating this we could pass on to the development team? Thanks.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by UMOarsman
I'm having the same issue as well. Is there any fix?
Hello! We don't have a fix for this issue at this time, thagozu seems to be the only player that has reported this and we have no way of reproducing it.

Would it be possible to provide an issue of the issue please? Were there any steps in particular leading up to this stage that may have caused the issue?

Thank you!