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I've reported this bug more than once on a few different occasions and expansions. Someone tried to talked me into believing that's it's not a bug, but a feature. If that's the case, then it is an extremely annoying feature that very heavily impacts the gameplay.

I'll use the example of the Typewriters production chain, but that applies to numerous other factories as well: Litghbulbs/Filaments, Celluloid/Camphor, Sugar/Sugar Cane etc. Just from the top of my head, because these are bothering me right now in my current game.

The delivery carts from the factory prioritise the source of Lacquer to be the Lacquer Plant, but said plant is way beyond their reach, even though on the same island. So the cart waits... and waits... and waits... Eventually it decides that it may kindly go to the Storehouse to pick up the Lacquer, but until it does so the production is halted. The whole time the nearby Storehouse is completely full of the Lacquer to the point that the Chemical Plans have to stop producing.
On the first screenshot you can see the location of all the factories and the're way beyond each other's reach. On the second screenshot you can see how the production of Typewriters fluctuates over the time, even though the Storehouse is full of necessary resources.

I've been advised to move the production to separate islands. I'll gladly do that, but you'll need to double the number of islands, because this applies to all production chains. Please, do use that argument anymore, it's laughable. For now the only way to fix this, is to overproduce the desired good by A LOT. TWENTY tons per minute seems to be the minimum that does the trick, but this is not a method to constantly bypass a poorly designed feature.

I'm fully aware that posting this is pointless. The devs seem to be unable to fix the mess created by their own "update 13", so I seriously doubt that they could fix a more complex issue.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey @mcetnar! I apologize for the frustration you are encountering due to this issue. While I can confirm this is working as intended, I will be passing this up as feedback to the appropriate team for review. Thank you for your understanding.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey @mcetnar! I apologize for the frustration you are encountering due to this issue. While I can confirm this is working as intended, I will be passing this up as feedback to the appropriate team for review. Thank you for your understanding.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello mcetnar, thank you for your sharing your thoughts on this.
I will move this thread to our player General Discussion section of the forum as this issue has been confirmed to be working as intended when it was raised with the Anno team. We will move this thread to see if there are other players who would like to contribute to this too and so it can be seen by a larger audience and our devs.