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I have a save, in fact it's the second play through this has happened, with a positive 50k+ income and I'm losing millions per minute. I started losing with nearly 50 million in reserve and it's now less than 3 million. The first save happened just after reaching 5k investors. The second I made it to nearly 10k before it happened. I've looked at all island in finances and it shows an increase. I even tried stopping all purchases from ai in first play through and it continued. Is this a glitch? I can't see what the common factor is.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @derrellvan ,

Thank you for getting in touch with us about this!

So we can better understand the issue, could you please capture a share a video of this occurring in-game?

If you could please upload your video to a hosting site first (such as YouTube / Cloud Storage) and share the link here, it'd be appreciated.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @derrellvan,

We may indeed look to do that so thank you for the suggestion.

However the team would greatly benefit from a video so that we can see exactly what you see as this can help us in reproducing the issue and ultimately resolving the issue.

Many thanks