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Felt like playing anno 1800 again. So innstalled the the game. It started up in my triple monitor setup - 5760x1080 - But the screen was not centered like on every other game I play. This started up in full screen btw. So I googled triple monitor anno 1800.. found out that people run i in windowed fullscreen. so i changed to that.. The issue now, is that I dont see the bottom of the screen.. so i cant go into settings and change back. This is just stupid. sorry ubi, but this is not a 1992 game... Every other game i play you get the menu and start up screen on your middle monitor. example Civ 6.. you get all the game/menustuff on middlescreen, when launcing into game, you get all thee monitors with maps all around.

But how to get back inot full screen? When settings is not an option? I tried looking for an ini file to maby change something monitor there. But cant find any. So I uninstalled the game, checked every folder for a savefile, found nothing. Then downloaded the game again, and started up. But offcourse now it is in full screen windowed, the one that dont work. - So what to do? looks like you cloudsave my settings? how do i delete it? how do I get the game working as intended on triple monitor ?

almost 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
Hi CB_espresso and thank you for creating and following up on this thread with the steps you took to resolve this issue! Should anyone else come across this error in the future, I hope your solution works for them as well.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
Ok, you need your video card to do it, learning today, this is awesome!

Hey SirHarryPierce, glad to hear you managed to work it out .

Not going to lie, these screenshots are beautiful.