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There is a bug with filter tooltip. Theses checkboxs into tooltip are hidden.

almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Do you both experience this with multiple resolutions?
Can you let us know the resolutions this happens with please.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Sorry for my delay in getting back to you Xoulous!

Can you set up a case on our Support Site and upload text copies of your DXDiag and MSInfo files so we can look deeper into this.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
When you say the support site doesn't work, were you getting errors logging in or creating the case?

In order to look deeper in to this, the dev team would need to look into your system setup, which would include you uploading text copies of your DXDiag and MSInfo files.

I have set up a case on your behalf. Can you please upload the requested files to your case.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Xoulous
this bug will be resolved in the next update ?
I create an issue but i have not answer 2 weeks ago
Hello there,

Further to Ginge's message, were you able to upload your system files to the case created for you as requested?

If you sign into the Support Site and access My Cases, the case should be visible.

It may now be listed as Closed, however you can re-open the case to upload your system files.

Once this has been done, we can continue to investigate.

Thank you.