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see in 1st screenshot red zone, but even though the building is red, game DOES allow it -- 2nd screenshot shows that the module is built (but now all the harbor buildings cannot be moved anymore, until the red zone is fixed)


over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @hundreAd1800,

That is certainly odd and shouldn't be happening.

  • Do you remember when you were able to place those illegally or have you always been able to?

  • Just to confirm, you were originally able to place them like that, and does this happen whether or not you rotate them?

  • Do they still function normally?

Also, can you grab me a copy of one of your affected save files?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for getting back to us @hundreAd1800 and for the save.

I've passed all of this information onto the game team to investigate.

Should we need more details, we'll let you know!