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set gives normal building production with -25% pastures

however, less POWERED pastures obviously results in less production of the pastures.

e.g., 4 alpaca farms with 4 powered pastures each produce 4 saltpetre:

but with the set applied, only 3 powered pastures per farm, so:

in effect, while benefiting the main building, the set now PENALIZES the powered pastures.
and you can't simply add productivity to compensate:
alpacas have 4 pastures originally, 3 with the set -- so +1/3
new world cattle farms have 6 pastures originally, 5 with the set -- so +1/5

even worse, if you first build the farms THEN apply the set, the farms already have 4 powered pastures -- which keep producing even though they are "over" the limit:

BUT if you apply the set first or delete a pasture, you're now limited to 3:

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @hundreAd1800

I believe that the issue you are describing is actually an intended feature of Proud Savannah Park, but I will reach out to our Team to check on this for you. I appreciate the detailed set of screenshots and your explanation! That will make this easy to report and hopefully I will hear back soon!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Howdy @hundreAd1800 , thanks for that further clarification. I can see our teams have reproduced this on our side, and are investigating from there ✨