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I just got a negative news story about schnapps missing from a new world island, but there is absolutely zero demand for schnapps by anyone on that island. I don't use hacienda homes on that island, so there is no demand for schnapps. But I still get a negative story for lack of schnapps. There is a hacienda, but no hacienda homes, thus no need at all for schnapps.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Jaradis_SR

This is actually something that we currently have under investigation, but I would like to collect your save file, and a screenshot showing your current Schnapps demand on the island being affected by the negative newspaper article. Screenshots can be attached to a reply to this post!

To get us that save file, you can attach it to an open support ticket. Let me know once that ticket is open.

There is a workaround we are aware of that works, but it is a bit annoying. I will put it below just in case you want to use it.


  1. Build a single Jornelo Hacienda House on the affected island.
  2. Produce Schnapps on the same island, it will only ever be supplied to that one house.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

@Jaradis_SR The save file? Are you trying to add it to a support ticket? As it won't work on the forums.

If you can't add it to the ticket, use something to create a zip file with the save file in, as that should work.