Original Post — Direct link
No tasks for this quest. Played for 1 week and nothing changed.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello Sonatix,

I'm sorry that you are experiencing this. The development team are aware of it and are working on a fix!

Any update will be posted on this forum, so please keep an eye out.

Thank you for your patience!
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Sorry to hear that the issue is still persisting.

I've passed this over to the team for investigation but we have no further information at present.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Originally Posted by Kroelgaming
hello unfortunately have the same issue sitting stuck for 2 weeks now...
Sorry to hear that.

I've reported this to the team but we have no further information at present.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Thanks for the updates on this folks.

Originally Posted by hegirim
I cant progress too. Maybe you need saves to produce this bug?

Could you create a case on the support website and upload your save files there?

Please let me know the case number when it's created
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello Annoholics!

Sorry to hear that

I will update the development team about this. Apologies for that!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Originally Posted by veniskhq
I solved the issue with this simple steps, i searched and load many autosaves until i found the right moment before ship found new world, i saved the game and loaded it again, so simple
Thank you veniskhq for posting your solution. I would advise all players currently experiencing this to do the same quoted above, until our game team can provide a more permanent bug fix for this problem. Please, in the meantime, keep your eyes peeled on our updates and known issues tracker in the forum.