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I have an issue with Road to Hamertia were the dog is just running and swimming everywhere and always gets stuck and i cant go any further, ive tried reloading and my last save is 10hrs prior

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@dal3d3nt0n420 My apologies for the lateness in getting back to your post. Please keep us posted if this behavior is still the same after the latest updates along with the platform you are playing on so we can share this with the team to review.

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@dal3d3nt0n420 My apologies for the lateness in getting back to your post. Please keep us posted if this behavior is still the same after the latest updates along with the platform you are playing on so we can share this with the team to review.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@fernandoleusin I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing issues with this quest.

Can you confirm what happened after the cut scene with the wounded soldier?

  • Did you leave the area during the quest?
  • Did Beonton disappear then appear in Doncaster

Are you able to load a previous save before you started the quest and try to complete it again?

@dal3d3nt0n420 If you are still experiencing this issue could you please provide a video.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@fernandoleusin I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing issues with this quest.

Can you confirm what happened after the cut scene with the wounded soldier?

  • Did you leave the area during the quest?
  • Did Beonton disappear then appear in Doncaster

Are you able to load a previous save before you started the quest and try to complete it again?

@dal3d3nt0n420 If you are still experiencing this issue could you please provide a video.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@fernandoleusin @dal3d3nt0n420 I forwarded this issue on the development team along with your save files and they were unable to reproduce the issue and your save files appear to show that the quest 'Road to Hamartia' is completed.

Can you confirm if this is now the case or if the issue persists?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@fernandoleusin @dal3d3nt0n420 I forwarded this issue on the development team along with your save files and they were unable to reproduce the issue and your save files appear to show that the quest 'Road to Hamartia' is completed.

Can you confirm if this is now the case or if the issue persists?