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Yesterday I started a multiplayer game with a friend. We play co-op. The co-op system is truly amazing and we are a big fan of it.

We noticed something weird though.

When my friend wants to set-up a trade route, a lot of goods are missing. The thumbnails do not show up in the trade route interface. If I click on the exact same button/interface, all the goods show up without any problem.

So I have to set up all the trade routes, even though we play co-op and shoudl be able to see and do the exact same things.

If he clicks on a warehouse, he does see all the goods and thumbnails.

I cannot find any other mentions of this problem on the forums. Does anyone have any ideas (or even better: solutions) concerning this problem?


almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link
Hi Gilles, great to hear you're a fan of the coop mode!

Just to double-check, is the other player in your coop game able to see all the trade route thumbnails that you create?

Also, please try verifying the game files, from our troubleshooting guide below, just to make sure the install is as it should be.

Thanks for your patience with this! I look forward to hearing from you again.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by GillestheGreat

Thanks for your reply.

I am happy to announce I cannot reproduce the issue: we've played two more sessions without any missing thumbnails.

A complete reboot of the two PCs seems to do the trick.

Thank you for letting us know, perhaps it was just a temporary connectivity issue at the time.

I'm happy to hear all is well now enjoy your day!