Original Post — Direct link
When I try to start the game there2s obvious a game update but also some kind of DirectX update, which not could be instlled. The only option I get was to quit the game. Pls - what's going on, how can I continue play the game?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello ZmileInSweden, thank you for posting and I am a sorry to hear you have been unable to start your game.

Anno 1800 is designed to work with either DirectX 11 or DIrectX12, however sometimes Windows 10 will not update the version of DirectX you are using automatically, and so you will need to update this manually. This may be the reason you are unable to launch the game.

To update your DirectX version, please follow our troubleshooting steps, contained in this pinned thread -
almost 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
Hi folks! If anyone else is still having issues with launching Anno 1800 on their PC, please make sure to also complete our basic troubleshooting guide for the PC, in addition to the steps my colleague posted above for making sure your DirectX has been updated. Following both of these guides, please reach out to our Technical Support teams over the Support website for additional assistance with this crashing error.