I'm not an expert at this game, so I don't know if this is a bug or something I don't understand. Basically, even though I have enough goods to cover an export/import contract, only a small fraction is exported, and I am given a contract warning that I am missing resources.
- In the first screenshot, Captain Tobias is arriving, and I have plenty of goods to cover the contract. I need 181 weapons, and I have set minimum stock to 200. (I am sending everything beyond that to my main island with a trade route, if that makes any difference. However, I am doing this on other islands with no issues.)
- In the second screenshot, as soon as Tobias arrives, I am given the contract warning and only a small fraction of the weapons is exported.
- In the third screenshot, Tobias is departing, and I'm hovering over the tooltip.
So far, this is the only contract that is affected, and I have docklands on three other islands exporting just fine. I can't understand what is wrong with this contract.
(I'm getting an error attaching screenshots. Sigh.)