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The range of all chemical plants are absurdly large. The main problem is that goods directly from orchards are preferred even when a FULL WAREHOUSE is NEXT TO IT.
The range might be even longer than that of a bank, meaning when an orchard is on the complete other end of the island It takes the goods cart like half an hour to collect the goods.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there guys,

Apologies for our delay in getting back to you here!

This was something that was raised to the game team previously and was confirmed to be working as intended.

"The long production times and large output storages of the new buildings make the range very long comparatively, however if the output storage runs full then it would be a bug.
Since the production did not stop during delivery, the next producer has the higher priority, as long as the production is not hindered by this, the state is as designed."

This has already been noted as feedback to the team, to which I'll happily add your comments on.

If there's anything more we can help with or you'd like to share, please let us know!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Cintre - Direct link

Hey @Asterix201252, thanks for taking the time to share all these details.

I have forwarded all additional feedback to the dev team.

Let us know if you have any more questions 🙂