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Ships on certain trade routes may spend an excessive amount of time at a dock doing nothing. For example, a cargo ship may in the worst case be docked for 5 minutes at a port unloading and loading exactly zero goods.

This happens when a trade route unloads and loads the same type of goods at a stop. For a cargo ship, the worst case happens when unloading and loading all slots of the same type of goods. For example, unload 300 wood, then load 300 wood, which takes 5 minutes. The calculation sums the unload time and load time separately, even if nothing is unloaded or loaded, which does not make sense.

Trade routes such as these are often used by players in combination with minimum stock limit when production/consumption rate of a good is often changing(due to trade, docklands, etc.), so it would be very disappointing if this bug is ignored simply because such trade routes are used more rarely than regular ones.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Galaxy - Direct link

Hey @Tormbav

Thank you for letting us know about this issue with the cargo loading/unloading.

Would you be able to take a video of the issue, so we can send it to our game team to investigate the report?

Should you need more information, do not hesitate to get in touch with us again.

Thank you very much.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Pegasus - Direct link

Hey @Asterix201252 and you too @Tormbav

I appreciate you taking the time to report this bug, thank you for providing the video and also for submitting your save file on the case you opened for us.

I can see what you mean about the loading and unloading times not matching the quantities involved, and the report has now been passed onto the team for further investigation.

The result of this report should be communicated officially via the forums or Ubisoft social channels, although I can't give an exact timeframe of when this might be addressed or announced.

I apologize in the meantime for any inconvenience caused. If you do encounter any more issues or bugs, please feel free to share those in a new thread.