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The quest wants me to construct a small trading post on crown falls.

I'm now at the stage of Artisans and have a tier 3 trading post.
The quest didn't progress.

How can i fix this?
Can i downgrade the trading post?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hey @schaedi61,

@Asterix201252 is definitely correct here and it's weird that's not progressing properly for you so I'm really sorry to hear that. Did the other mentioned parts of the storyline happen for you? (Thanks for chiming in with that btw)

If so, I'd like to have you grab me a short video clip showing your trading post, artisans, and the quest not registering properly so I can get this checked out a bit more. If it won't let you upload it here, feel free to upload it to YouTube and share the link with me here. (You can upload it as unlisted if that makes you more comfortable)

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Akatsirin - Direct link

Hi @schaedi61 !

Thank you for the video ! Could you tell me if you have any mod for the game installed that could interfere with the progress?