Original Post — Direct link
i just bought anno 1800 2 days ago. Have played it for 3 hours and it got freeze. My screen got black and i could not do anything except the sound?

My video card is 970gtx and the driver is 445.87.

Please fix it or refund.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by khamvat12345
i just bought anno 1800 2 days ago. Have played it for 3 hours and it got freeze. My screen got black and i could not do anything except the sound?

My video card is 970gtx and the driver is 445.87.

Please fix it or refund.
Hello khamvat12345,

Welcome to the Forums.

As chris02918 has already kindly posted - please ensure you've attempted appropriate troubleshooting steps to try and see if there are any changes.

Additionally to chris' DX and Driver advice, please also try verifying your games files and performing a Clean Boot to ensure there are no other conflicting programs.

If all of the suggested steps don't resolve your issue, please contact us directly via our Support Site or you can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter with your DxDiag and MSinfo system files.

Thank you
about 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by khamvat12345
Just found out new thing. When i turn on Task manager, i see that when the GPU is 100%, my screen is black but the sound still working. I have no idea what is the problem.
My pc spec: 16gb ram, gtx970, i3-9k and setting in game is all low
Thank you for your update.

Can I just check you have followed all steps which have previously been mentioned? This will include updating all drivers as the driver you mentioned you are currently running is not the newest.

It will also still be incredibly useful to see your system files as previously advised

Many thanks