Original Post — Direct link

Hey folks,

I just wanted to hear if anyone else has the problem that the game keeps crashing. It started with a safegame, but now it seems to happen with every benchmark. The game can be started without any problems.
I'm a bit afraid to start a new game again and then realise that after three hours the problem still exists. I have already tried out all the ideas for solving the problem here in the forum.

Regards Ben

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Acidello and @Bnsto

I'm very sorry to see you two are having some crashing issues, particularly after an update that was intended to improve stability for most players.

Can you both let me know which GPU and CPU you have in your computers? Also, there's a few quick steps to run through to see if they help out with your stability at all. In testing this, please start a brand new save and play for around 15 minutes, then load a late-game save (if you have one) and try that for 15 minutes as well.

  1. Reinstall Ubisoft Connect.
  2. Disable the Ubisoft Connect overlay.
  3. Clear the Ubisoft Connect cache.
  4. Verify the game files, accepting any file replacements Ubisoft Connect suggests.

Finally, a screenshot of your Graphics and Display settings from the in-game settings menu may be helpful for us to narrow down a cause of these crashes.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

No worries @Acidello, feel free to come back to the thread any time you can if you find you are still having problems.