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Hi there,

Not sure what's happening. Pretty much every time I'm in the New World, usually planting farm fields, my game freezes.
Only way to get out of it is to kill the process in task manager.

Anyone else having or had the same issue? Able to offer any suggestions? (That preferable don't require me nuking my mods folder). This has only just started happening. I've tried removing a few mods to see if that makes any difference, it didn't.


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @MrDragonfyr 🙂

Sorry to hear about this freeze you're having in the New World! I can certainly recommend running through the steps in our troubleshooting guide if you haven't already - especially the ones about making sure you are running the game with administrator rights, verifying the game files, updating your graphics drivers and Windows install fully, and checking for background programs which could interfere with the game. However, as you might know, we're unable to give official support for modified installs. We're still happy for the community to suggest potential fixes, though!

I'll have my fingers crossed that you are able to solve it 🙂

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

No problem @MrDragonfyr , we'll be here if there's anything else you need!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for getting back to us @MrDragonfyr , sorry to hear our troubleshooting steps didn't do the trick.

And thanks for posting your specs, you're certainly above the requirements so this shouldn't be an issue.

To allow us to take a closer look at your PC and what else may be causing the game to freeze / crash, we'd like to take a look at your DxDiag and MSinfo system files.

This also means we have any key details we'd need should this become something the team need to look into.

Please could you send them us via our Support Site?

Please let us know how you get on with this or if you have any issues opening a case.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for the update @MrDragonfyr , sorry for our delay!

I'm glad to hear it's decided to start behaving again! Mods can certainly be tricky in making things run amok.

If you do run into any further issues though, if you could please send us your files as below and we'll continue looking into this.

And of course if there's anything else we can help with, just let us know.

Thank you!