Original Post — Direct link

Local mail consumption anywhere else higher than regional mail, looks like for Obreros the local and regional values are replaced. Maybe this is a mistake and not intented.

Another possible mistake is the lvl3 skyscraper regional mail provide 44 residents, which not follows the math formula used on others. The suspected value should be 48.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Cintre - Direct link

Hiya @Macs1209, thanks for contacting us.

Would you be able to send screenshots showing that the local and regional mail consumption seems erroneous please ?
This will help us forward everything to the dev team.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@Macs1209 Understood, thank you for the details !

For the next part of our investigation, I invite you to reach out to us, via our Help website, in order to provide us with your current save file.

This will help us isolate the Issue and determine the best possible solutions.

Don't hesitate to let us know if you'd like to report other Issues, or if you have questions !