Original Post — Direct link
Ditto. Despite allegedly being fixed in the March patch, its not completely fixed. It doesnt stop a progress anymore if one has previously finished Library questline.

The problem is...if one has finished it (gain acces to Library) - the quest isnt removed. it just clutters the screen eternally, as it is a moot quest at this point and is not properly skipped.

Please fix it.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello, apologies for coming to this thread a bit late.

We have recently resolved some issues with quests, however I understand for some the fix is not retroactive.

Are you perhaps able to abandon the quest, and try again?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by stormwizzy
Hi Ubi-Raziel

I've had that same bug happen to me several playthroughs now. The quest is UNDELETABLE or UNabandonable. I continued through the questline, unifying Embesa, yet even as you say during the talks between Archibald and the King, "whole embesa is unified" and Archibald accepts this, the questnotification will not remove itself.
Naturally i suspect that this is due for players doing the Waha Desher and Kitudi questlines BEFORE we level up our island and get the tapestries. Which unlucks Angereb.

Now, of course after several tries I got fed up and started again, This time however I would start the Angareb questline before beginning on the Waha Desher or Kidusi one, thus avoiding the bug. This I managed, but did not expect to be hit with another one instead:
Was hit by the "Waha Desher: Sorceres apprentice". So now after finishing all the islands, I STILL have an UN-Abandonable quest in my quest-list. (And I have unified Embesa) (Not finished with Archibald leaving yet, but I guess Im stuck with that Waha Desher bug?
Hey stormwizzy, thanks for reaching out and sending detailed information on the matter.

As of right now, I can confirm that this issue is under review by our development team, therefore apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks for bearing in the meantime.

Once we will have any updates, details will be posted here, in our official forums, so keep an eye!

Originally Posted by Casosad
I got this bug only one time !

because the workaround was simply to wait for each of the three questlines are at the same point before open the library.

No more troubles after .
Hey Casosad, appreciate you for sharing this with everyone and I do hope whoever runs into the problem will find this useful .