Original Post — Direct link
When I'm looking into Items tab in the Trading post, I switching tabs (All/Consumer/Construstion/... goods) does nothing in advanced pier item selection.

See screenshot: shows contruction materials because it was the last tab selected before I switched to Items, switching to different tab (raw materials) does nothing (still shows construction materials)

When I go back to Trading post and switch back to Goods tab, the problem goes away.

Step to reproduce:
  1. Select island's trading post
  2. Switch to Items tab
  3. Select advanced pier
  4. Open dialog for selecting filtered item (Specialise Pier)
  5. Try to switch tab
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link

Thank you very much for your in-depth explanation, image, and list of reproduction steps.

I will forward this directly to our team, so we can get it fixed

Just in case this is due to corrupt game files, I would also like to suggest verifying them: https://support.ubisoft.com/Article/000060529

All the best!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Thanks for the update, glad to hear issue no longer persists and will forward your feedback over to our game team .