Original Post — Direct link

I got a mild issue here. Every time I open the skin section of a ship, probably every type of ship, the overlay text for each skin becomes 'ghosted' even if the skin tab is closed down again - as a result, the ships cannot be renamed anymore, I just see the Skin name for a ship skin and the descript of said skin, and clicking there will change the skin - even when the skin selection is closed down.
Please look into it a bit, if you'd be so kind.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @KarlThorsten89

Hopefully I can help you get your menus fixed up.

Can you let me know if you have any mods installed first of all? If you do, go ahead and let me know which ones!

Did this issue start happening right after our most recent patch, or have you had this problem for awhile?

Finally, can you Take a Screenshot or Record a Short Video of this issue for me?

There will be a brief troubleshooting process to try out after we have this info, at which point I should be able to get this reported up for you.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for this @Synchronos357!

@KarlThorsten89 - would you be able to confirm or provide a screenshot before we merge these threads, just in case they need to handled as separate matters.

Thank you!