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I can't remember the quests name, it was a quest from the elders where I had to help her prepare a speech, as part of this there were 3 options to choose a bonus from. I chose the one that gave me -10% Need consumption for the Shepherd, but instead of reducing how much they consume it limited their needs to 90% maximum, where I now have no Shepherd resident full, with too little workforce and no possiblity of upgrading any shepherd until the "buff" runs out after 30min.

Edit: Here is a Screenshot that might help
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Etirion
I can't remember the quests name, it was a quest from the elders where I had to help her prepare a speech, as part of this there were 3 options to choose a bonus from. I chose the one that gave me -10% Need consumption for the Shepherd, but instead of reducing how much they consume it limited their needs to 90% maximum, where I now have no Shepherd resident full, with too little workforce and no possiblity of upgrading any shepherd until the "buff" runs out after 30min.

Edit: Here is a Screenshot that might help
Hey Etirion,

Sorry to see you have encountered this and thank you for the screenshot.

Is it at all possible to share a video of this also so we can see exactly what is happening with the need consumption?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Small update: The issue has been forwarded, thank you
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by Etirion
Sorry for not getting back with a video, hadnt checked the thread. But I'm glad to see it fixed in the 9.1 update!
No worries! Hope you enjoy the update!