Original Post — Direct link


My graphics card 2060 doesn't show in the graphics adapter list


almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @mmulholland90 thank you for getting in touch with us about this issue.

In order for us to investigate this further, could you please tell us the following >>

  • Can you let me know if you are using 2060 in a desktop PC, or laptop please, so we know which system you are using?
  • Can you also tell us what kind of display cable you have connected your monitor to your GPU with, is it a HDMI or Display Port cable?
  • Did this problem exist before the game update or did it only occur after updating the game to Game Update 14?

Can you also please check your Windows Task Manager whilst the game is open, and check what GPU you are using with the game, to see if it is your GPU0 or GPU1, internal or dedicated graphics card, in case the game is using the wrong GPU?

Have you also recently updated your graphics card? Nvidia often provide monthly updates to their GPUs, are you able to tell us which GPU driver version you are currently using?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


Hey there.

Sorry to hear about this.

Can you double check the following article to check that the dedicated GPU is being chosen correctly and if possible answer the questions asked by UbiMilky in the post above if at all possible?