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I have a huge problem with my trade routes: if the target port is completely stacked with the transported good, the ship will just leave the good on the ship, go back to the original port and load more of this specific good into other slots - thus blocking them for other goods.
This leads to my routes blocking up and not delivering what they should deliver and thus slowly driving me into bankruptcy if I don't do micro management all the time (e.g. dropping the good or adjusting the routes continuously).
It would be great, if the good would only be loaded in the pre-determined slot and not any other slots (example below).
Also, I find it really hard to adjust the correct load of the goods according to the consumption. Is it really just trial and error or does any statistic cover this? I mean, you can read the tons/min-statistic. But I can't see how many minutes it takes a ship to travel from one port to another or can I?
Were these problems fixed in some update that I didn't receive? Hard to believe that the game has been out for more than two years and players still have to fiddle with this... it really drives me crazy.

If I transport wood, bricks and steel in Slot 1, 2 and 3 on a frigate (3 slots) from port A to port B, then the following happens:
Ship loads 50 wood in Port A and brings them to Port B. At some point, Port B is full with wood and cannot take in any more. So 50 wood in Slot 1 stay on the ship and travel back to Port A. Ship wants to load more wood and loads them in Slot 2, thus blocking this slot for bricks and/or steel. Now the ship can unload 43 wood in Port B. So 50 wood stay in Slot 1 and 7 wood stay in Slot 2. Ship goes to Port A and loads another 50 wood but no bricks and no steel. Arriving at Port B, it unloads 12 wood. So now it has 50 woods in Slot 1, 7 in Slot 2 and 38 in Slot 3 and will load no bricks and no steel but just drive around completely stacked with wood.
This - of course - also happens with bread or sausages and thus leads to my people being unhappy and me going bankrupt.
Easy solution/suggestion: every good will only be loaded in the pre-determined slot and if the slot is full, it will NOT be loaded into another slots.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

Hi @JustinCase82

Thanks for this post, sorry to hear you're seeing cargo remain on the ship, and subsequently blocking other goods from being loaded.

Would you be able to let us know if you're using any mods at the moment? Some players have reported a similar issue in the past, and certain mods may interfere with how the ship is loaded.

If not, please let us know so that we can forward this onto the game team for a closer look.

Thank you.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@justincase82 Thanks for getting back in touch with this info.

Could you take a look at our PC troubleshooting article here and let us know if this helps at all? Most notable here would be verifying the game's files, to ensure nothing is missing or corrupt.

If the problem persists, we may need a clip of the cargo issue happening, to forward to the team. You can upload this clip to a video/file sharing site like YouTube or Google Drive, and post the link in your reply to share the video with us.

Thanks again!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for getting in touch with us with this @Asterix201252 !

I've deleted your case ID post for security reasons, but I've since pulled the save file and passed it to the team along with the rest of your report for investigation.

We'll let you know if we hear anything back!