I encountered a following issue:
Cafe/bars/restaurants are supposed to reduce needs of residents (example: donut recipe from cafe reduces coffee consumption by 10%, chocolate by 5% and schnapps by 25%). When a residence is selected, you can see what bonuses are affecting the specific building. After loading a game, the % reduction displayed after selecting a residence corresponds to the values from the description in recipe book. However, after changing the recipe they become lower (example: donut recipe provides 7% reduction in coffee consumption, 3% in chocolate and 17% in schnapps). This also affects happiness bonus.
The exact steps that I taken were as follows:
- I loaded a game. The cafe was already running with donut recipe selected. I selected an investor residence next to the cafe. The bonus from donut recipe was correct (it corresponded to the values from recipe book).
- I changed recipe from donut to eclair. I waited for the cafe to reach the perfect productivity. I selected the same residence. The bonus from eclair recipe was not corresponding to the values from recipe book.
- I changed recipe back from eclair to donut. I waited for the cafe to reach the perfect productivity. I selected the same residence. The bonus from donut recipe was no longer corresponding to the values from recipe book.
- I restarted the game. The values were once again correct.
I attached photos of:
- Cafe and residence just after loading the game.
- Cafe and residence after first change from donut to eclair.
- Cafe and residence after second change from eclair back to donut.
The issue also affects bars and restaurants.
Save file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i2o6evsMnISHrMJ60hQcaej9MXxTH3YF/view?usp=sharing: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i2o6evsMnISHrMJ60hQcaej9MXxTH3YF/view?usp=sharing)